2018 Internet Trends Report from Mary Meeker

Investors, analysts, and journalists stop what they’re doing and read Mary Meeker’s annual internet trends report. It happens every year.

2018-internet-trends-reportTwo Questions comes at this point – Who is Mary Meeker ? why do people care about what she has to say?

Who’s Mary Meeker?
Meeker is a partner at venture capital firm called Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB). Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) is one of the most prominent VCs in the world, providing early investment money to some of the most prominent technology companies today, including Amazon, Google, Snap, and Twitter.Mary Meeker has been publishing her highly anticipated, annual report since 1995.

Why are tech trends important?
Tech companies like mazon, Google, Snap, and Twitter, especially those creating new online technology, are some of the most important powerhouses of the economy, responsible for important job growth in the U.S. and globally.Currently 3.6 billion people, just over half the population of the planet, are connected to the web.

What’s in Mary Meeker report?
Meeker is known for assessing mountains of data to create her Internet study, and the topics she details range from the average square footage of homes around the world, to the number of Uber bookings over time. This year’s report clocks in at 300 pages.

The main growth rate on 2017 in technnology field

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Here are some highlights from 2018 year’s report from Mary Meeker:

Currently 3.6 billion people, just over half the population of the planet, are connected to the web. A third of the planet uses social media. But future connectedness could be harder to come by, because the demand for new smartphones has leveled off. We are staring longer at our screens. U.S. adults spend six hours per day on digital devices on average, more than double the time spent a decade ago. The majority of their time is spent on mobile gadgets–3.3 hours. A further 2 hours per day is spent on desktops.

We’re fascinated by digital currency. Interest in cryptocurrency, which includes currencies such as bitcoin and ethereum, has skyrocketed in the past year. One gauge for that is Coinbase, the exchange for digital currency, which has quadrupled since 2017.

Jobs require more tech skills. Technology has caused service jobs to replace agriculture jobs over the past decades. There are now 120 million workers in business service roles, compared to just several million jobs in agriculture jobs today, or less than 2% of the entire workforce. Job openings, or the number of unfilled jobs is at a two-decade high, as hit 6.6 million. Jobs that required some tech knowhow, including healthcare, education, professional services, trade and transportation jobs lead the way.

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More of us are learning online. Technology is reshaping education, with 1 billion educational videos on Youtube and other platforms viewed each day by more than 30 million viewers globally. Seventy percent of the videos are for help with work, school and hobbies. Growth in views is particularly strong for job seekers looking to beef up their skills and resumes.If you want to find out more about the biggest trends on the Internet.

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